Open Letter to Leonia Friends and Neighbors

Leonia friends and neighbors,

My name is Bill Ziegler, and I am running to be your Mayor. If we haven’t already met, I hope to have that opportunity sometime soon.

The Leonia Public Schools system is where I grew up, from ACS to LHS, as is true for my wife and two sons. Wood, Overpeck, Sylvan, Station Parkway and Dudley Allen are the parks I played in as a child and are the parks I run in today. Before Dante's, Fontana, SnackStop and Wolf It, I ate at Leonia Cafe, Benny's Pizza, Hilgen's on Broad Avenue. I grew up three houses up the street from my high school crush, who I have now been happily married to for 35 years. There is no place that invokes the feeling of home like our great borough Leonia does for me.

I was 28 years old in 1987 when I served my first term as Councilman. In the intervening decades, I made it a priority to serve on borough commissions, boards and on the Council for two additional terms. I continue to serve in ways to uphold and improve what makes Leonia and our community great.

I held most of these volunteer positions for Leonia while I was building my professional career, amidst the responsibilities of management and global travel. Now that I am (happily!) retired, our town is my focus. I hope to bring my professional experience from being a global executive running a team of 900+, as well as my experience of living and serving Leonia for decades, as Leonia's next Mayor.

I do not take my decision to become the democratic party's Mayoral candidate lightly, and realize the commitment of time and energy the role requires. I am confident that my skills and experiences, and deep dedication to our town, will help me be an effective leader in navigating the challenges Leonia will confront in these next years.

If elected, I commit to helping recruit capable public servants to serve for the benefit of Leonia. I promise to be a good listener --soliciting the perspectives of Leonians of all races, genders and creeds. I vow to also seek the counsel of Leonians who have served the borough dutifully for many years on various boards and commissions. Finally, I will lead through service.

Who you vote for this November to be your next Mayor is a big and impactful decision. Please take a moment to read about who I am and what positions I've taken on the issues/challenges confronting Leonia. It's here on my website at

In my years of living in Leonia, many things have changed. However, the most important things have not. We are a town that provides great education, recreation and public services. Most importantly, we are a community of residents who are proud to call Leonia home. If I have the honor to serve as Leonia's next Mayor, I will continue this legacy that makes this borough great, and with your help, improve it where we can.

Thank you for your consideration of my candidacy,

Bill Ziegler

Prospect Street


A Call to Action for Leonians


Spring Street Neighborhood