A Call to Action for Leonians

Dear Leonians,

I am writing to you today with gratitude and a deep sense of purpose as we embark on a campaign to determine the next Mayor of Leonia.  I wholeheartedly welcome a campaign to determine who will be Leonia’s next Mayor.  I believe it is better for Leonia in every way to have a choice.  The opportunity to choose is a testament to the democratic values we hold dear as a town.  

A mayoral campaign gives voters a chance to compare each candidate’s skills, career experiences, proven leadership capabilities, and past accomplishments/contributions on behalf of Leonia.  I am grateful for this opportunity to share my background and articulate a vision for our collective future. I see this as the responsibility of every candidate who aspires to be your Mayor. 

I invite you to browse this website, where you will find details about my unwavering commitment to this town, my values, and my stance on the issues that confront us.  The decision you make regarding the next Mayor is an important one, and I am determined to provide you with the information needed to make an informed choice.  

Open, honest debates should also be an integral part of our electoral process. Perhaps the League of Women Voters will host a candidate’s forum similar to what they have hosted previously.  If not, we will need to make other arrangements.   I favor as many Town Hall type discussions as there is public interest.  

I believe any debates and/or Town Halls should also be made available in their entirety electronically for anyone who wants to access them after the fact as well.  I do not view these Town Halls/debates as an end in themselves but as a means to generate greater awareness of the issues, challenges, and opportunities which Leonia faces.  Through this awareness, I hope we will pick the very best leaders we can and inspire greater involvement in the betterment of our community.   

I am eager to continue raising awareness about the vital issues confronting Leonia and extend my heartfelt appreciation for considering my candidacy.  Together, let us forge a path toward a brighter future for Leonia.  


William (Bill) Ziegler


Diversity and Inclusion Statement


Open Letter to Leonia Friends and Neighbors