
“We've both known Bill for a long time. He grew up on Gladwin Avenue where Sue knew him since childhood.  We have always found Bill to be a level-headed, thoughtful and generous member of our community.  He and his wife, Sue Boyd, have served Leonia in various volunteer capacities, as have we.  They have graciously opened their home for community events, such as art exhibitions, house tours, and documentary previews to name just a few.  The four of us, as lifelong Leonians, share a love of our town.  We are 100% sure that Bill is the very best and most qualified person to serve as Mayor of Leonia. We strongly encourage our fellow citizens to support him in the upcoming election. Vote for Bill!!!”

—Susan and Pete Shanno

“We endorse Bill Ziegler for mayor. I have known Bill since I was a child, and have always known him to be extremely smart, level-headed, and fair. Over the years he’s proven to be one of the most sincere and honest people I know. What’s more, he absolutely loves Leonia and always has its best interest at heart. As Leonians, we genuinely look forward to having Bill Ziegler as mayor.”

—Ann and Tom Sullivan

“I oversaw Treasury functions at a Global Fortune 100 corporation and had the pleasure of working with outstanding senior business leaders during my career.  I can tell you Bill truly stands out for his financial acumen, HR expertise and general business savvy… a natural leader who sees the big picture while being finely tuned to the details.  I believe great global Fortune 100 managing directors like Bill are few and far between.  

Leonia would be very fortunate to get Bill as its Mayor.  Believe me when I say he could continue making a ton of money in the private sector if that’s what he wanted.  It speaks highly of his character that he's willing to forego personal economic benefit in favor of public service.”

—Doug Rees

“Sierra Club is an environmental advocacy group that mirrors many of my own environmental views, and I am proud to accept their endorsement.

The Sierra Club's first members were originally focused on the conservation of California's Sierra Nevada mountains. Since then, the Sierra Club has evolved into an impactful nationwide organization that works to advance climate solutions and ensure everyone has access to clean air, clean water, and a healthy environment.”

—Bill Ziegler

Read Bill’s Full Environmental Advocacy Statement.