Honoring Leonia’s roots. Working toward a brighter future.

What will Bill do for you?

  • Increase Ratables.

  • Maintain and Enhance Leonia’s Quality of Life.

  • Get Value For Every Tax Dollar.

  • Communicate, Communicate, Communicate.

Leonia is facing substantial challenges around development and the pressure of urbanization which can materially affect our quality of life. Borough finances will come under increasing stress given mandated state cost increases for insurance benefits and pension funds.

Now more than ever, we must have capable, proven, and consistent leadership which will continue to position Leonia for success, help preserve our residential character and help us get every penny of value from each tax dollar.

Bill in the backyard of his Leonia home with wife, Susan Boyd, sons Justin and Brad, and their dog Stetson.

About William Ziegler

“We make a living by what we get, but we make a life by what we give.” This quote by Winston Churchill is one of Bill’s favorites, guiding his philosophy in life and public service. Learn more about Bill, his experience on Leonia’s Council, volunteer initiatives for the town, and his professional career.

Position Statements

“Leonia first and always.” Understand Bill Ziegler’s positions on Leonia matters, including its budget, parks, new building, local government, and more.

How to Get Involved

Get an overview of how Leonia residents can get involved in their community through volunteer opportunities.

“Transparency is the foundation of public trust, and you need that to be an effective leader. Being transparent, answering every question, and being accessible is the biggest asset a Mayor has. I’m committed to doing that.”

—Bill Ziegler

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