PROCLAMATION: Presenting of the Key to the Borough to Mary Heveran


WHEREAS, Mary Heveran has been a Leonia resident for 50 years and has consistently distinguished herself as a community leader; and
WHEREAS, Mary has served as Leonia’s second female Mayor from 2007 through 2011, being an effective role model for young women; and
WHEREAS, Mary has a firsthand appreciation of how a community can rally around a family in need and worked hard to meet other people’s needs based on her own experiences; and
WHEREAS, Mary developed an intimate knowledge of rent control laws and processes to advocate on behalf of neighbors in need; and
WHEREAS, Mary has been active with the Leonia Recreation Commission, served on the Library Board of Trustees, and served as Chair of the Education Committee on the Leonia Home and School Association; and
WHEREAS, Mary served 9 years on the Leonia Borough Council before running for Mayor; and
WHEREAS, Mary in serving her borough had a well-deserved reputation of always doing what was right for Leonia; and
WHEREAS, Mary had a perfect attendance record during her public service as an elected official–never once missing a meeting in 13 years which speaks highly of her dedication and commitment; and
WHEREAS, Mary during her tenure as Mayor introduced the first borough website, focused on communicating clearly with her constituents, refurbished Wood Park largely with grant monies, was a strong advocate for pedestrian safety, and was a champion of light rail in Leonia; and
WHEREAS, Mary was one of the first Mayors to institute regular office hours for the public; and
WHEREAS, Mary established the first Mayor’s Advisory Youth Committee which among other things helped launch the Memorial Brick Garden project in Wood Park adjacent to the old Police Station.

NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED, that Mary Heveran be recognized as a true Leonian who has done so much for the community and receive a coveted “Key to the Borough” for her legacy of leadership and service on this day of Monday, May 20th 2024. 
BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED that Tuesday, May 21st, 2024 be designated as Mary Heveran Day in Leonia in further recognition of Mary’s accomplishments and service on our behalf with this designation being proudly displayed on the Borough’s digital sign throughout the day.   

Bill Ziegler
Mayor of Leonia

Presentation of the Key to the Borough to Mary Heveran


Mayor Ziegler’s Update - June 7th


Memorial Day 2024 Speech